An Enchanting Walk with Scout and Four or Five Swallows at Fort Funston
have just returned from my walk at Fort Funston with our 100-pound yellow
lab, Scout. I parked next to the hang glider clubhouse and took the trail
behind the clubhouse, connected with the paved trail, went on a long walk
to the end of the paved trail and headed back to the car. On my return to
the car, from the paved trail I took the horse trail back in the direction
to go behind the clubhouse and soon discovered that four or five swallows
were following us. I have always loved birds and for years have enjoyed watching
them. Two flew down low, close to Scout. My first thought was that maybe Scout
was close to a bird nest and the birds were trying to distract Scout away.
I realized that in spite of the fact that we were far away from the cliffs
that these looked like bank swallows, although I could not be sure. I immediately
moved close to Scout with my leash in case he might bother them. Much to my
surprise and delight, it became clear that they were following Scout, diving
down and flying close alongside him and then circling around. I tried to count
them but they are so small and they move so fast that I could not tell if
there were four or five. Scout just ignored them. He showed no interest in
chasing or even playing with them. The amazing thing is that they were completely
unafraid of Scout and me! They continued to follow us, I guess about a quarter
of a mile, circling around us, coming in low to the ground and then flying
low to the ground for a ways and then coming back near us. I must say they
are delightful creatures. I had first thought they were playing with Scout
and then it became clear that they were circling around and flying low to
ground to hunt for insects. It seemed to me that they were following Scout
and looking for food where he was walking, as though he might be making the
insects scurry around so that the swallows could see them. What is also very
interesting is that they were hunting for food in an area of sand and ice
plant. This particular area has a few crisscrossing trails and the plants
are iceplant, not the so-called "native plants." These swallows
were a long way from the "native plant" areas. It made me wonder
if anyone knows for sure what type of vegetation swallows do the best food
hunting in. When I concluded that Scout was not near any nests, was not the
slightest bit interested in the swallows, and that the swallows were totally
unafraid of both of us, I relaxed and had one of the most enchanting walks
of my life. I put today's walk up there (at
the top of my mental list) with some of my other enchanting walks at our beloved
Fort Fun, and as charming as watching the delightful pelicans who have returned
to our beach.
by Christy Cameron, July 19, 2000
First Section of Fort Funston Forum