How Do You Feel About The Proposed Closure?

The National Park Service has just published, as required by federal law, its "proposal" to close twelve acres at Fort Funston (see proposal, below.) But ten of the twelve acres "proposed" to be closed have already been closed for several months! Half were closed illegally, without following publication and comment requirements. The other half were closed by declaring an "emergency" closure when, as for over sixty years, the bank swallows returned in April. However, in May a federal judge ordered all ten acres re-opened, after the swallows leave next month, while the case goes to trial:

Effective upon the end of the pending emergency (declared by the National Park Service upon the April return of the bank swallows), defendants are ordered to leave the gate open to the new temporary closure at Fort Funston and, with respect to the new permanent closure, to have installed such gates and leave them open as necessary to allow access to the gap and to the beach via the gap. Otherwise, the fences may remain in place pending a final judgment.

If and when the National Park Service fully complies with the regulation requiring notice and comment, 36 C.F.R. 1.5(b), the National Park Service may apply for the Court to modify and/or dissolve this preliminary injunction. If the National Park Service does not do so, the Court may not be sympathetic to a future closure based on an "emergency" when the bank swallows return in April 2001, given that their return is foreseeable and sufficient lead time seems to exist for the National Park Service to address any problems through non-emergency means.

Dated: May 16, 2000.

Now is your chance to register your feelings about this proposal for a new, expanded closure. It is crucial that the Park Service hear from everyone who has an opinion on this issue! You don't need to write a magnus opus! Jot down a few sentences as to why you are for or against the proposal, but mail it today because we don't have long to be heard! The Superintendent of the GGNRA is required to review all these comments and weigh them in making a decision about what (despite the current fait accompli) is so far only a proposal.

Send comments to: and send copies to: and/or:
Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Bay and Franklin Streets
Building 201, Fort Mason
San Francisco CA 94123
Fort Funston Dog Walkers
c/o Linda McKay
241 Tocoloma Avenue
San Francisco CA 94134
P.O. Box 31071
San Francisco CA 94131
Please also send copies to:
Willie L. Brown, Jr., Mayor
City Hall, Room 200
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Member of Congress
450 Golden Gate Avenue, #145378
San Francisco CA 94102
The Honorable Tom Lantos
Member of Congress
400 South El Camino Real Suite 410
San Mateo, CA 94402
E-mail info

The Honorable Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
1700 Montgomery Street, Suite 240
San Francisco, CA 94111

E-mail form

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
525 Market Street, Suite 3670
San Francisco CA 94105
Supervisor Mark Leno
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Supervisor Mabel Teng
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Supervisor Gavin Newsom
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102
Supervisor Leland Yee
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Bank swallows at their main Fort Funston cliff burrows, July 18, 2000. What's best for this colony?

To First Section of Fort Funston Forum