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Wendy McClure

Comments at 1/23/01 GGNRA Advisory Commission Meeting

Hi, I'm Wendy McClure.  I'm co-chair of San Francisco Dog Owners Group. My focus within San Francisco Dog Owners Group is advocating for city off-leash recreation.  I have personally, as well as other SFDOG members, have worked with city officials over the last four years, advocating for more off-leash dog parks. Before I begin I'd like to thank all pro-dog supporters for being here.  The executive board of SFDOG has worked hard to get all of you here tonight and we thank you; it's overwhelming to see all of you here.

The off-leash dog park issue is not just important to the citizens of San Francisco and the Board of Supervisors, it's important to SPCA, Animal Care and Control, the Police Department, Rec & Park; it's important to all of us because the GGNRA closures do impact our city.

Think about it - there are 750,000 people logged in at Fort Funston alone; 87% of those folks are accompanied by dogs.  That's something like 652,500 people that would impact the city parks if you close just Fort Funston alone. You can say big deal, it's not your concern; but it is your concern. It's your concern because you were invited into our city to take care of this land. We trusted you to take care of our park land and you betrayed us by not upholding your part of the agreement. I ask you to do the right thing and uphold your agreement with the citizens of San Francisco.

Thank you.

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